
Explore how to maximize the benefits of QA outsourcing during the a1qa roundtable!

It’s the roundtables time — a hearty welcome to a1qa’s October discussion dedicated to QA outsourcing.
11 October 2022

One more a1qa’s roundtable is about to start, isn’t that great? The a1qa team is holding the online discussion titled “QA outsourcing: How to get the maximum benefits?” on October 13 at 11 AM EDT.

What will participants speak about?

The first question is, “How to make the right decision and what matters the most?” The talk is about the ways and predominant requirements that assist in searching for the fit-for-purpose QA vendor.

The second in a row is, “How to make your joint journey productive and enjoyable?” Let’s reveal how to properly organize the work with a QA provider to ultimately achieve the desired outcomes.

“How to make sure that work is done well?” is the last one to touch upon during the conversation, which will help the attendees find the best methods to assess the results of the accomplished activities.

We are inviting you to join the participants!

In case you’re looking for ways to enhance your software quality, entrust that to us — we’ll be glad to provide professional QA support.

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