a1qa training goes beyond national borders
Several years ago, when our company achieved a significant level of professionalism and high appreciation of our clients. a1qa team of department managers established 7 Centers of competence in the spheres of technical writing, mobile, security, usability, integration and automation testing.
Back then, the goal of those centers was to keep the expertise of a1qa employees on a highest level as well as to provide the opportunity to extend professional skills set.
As the time passed by, Centers of competence transformed into a fully functioning QA academy, that covers a domain-specific testing, software test methodologies, agile testing, tools and instruments, communication and teamwork, SQA in distributed development, metrics and personal efficiency.
Recently, a1qa started to offer QA training as a B2B service, helping our clients to improve their internal QA departments, increase productivity and efficiency, gain more expertise and practical knowledge.
This time, the QA training we offer, brought us up to Kazahstan. Two months ago, Kazakhstan Financial Company approached a1qa with a request to conduct a comprehensive QA training for their testing engineers.
After evaluation of current level of skills and expertise of their internal QA team, a1qa specialists worked out a custom training roadmap, so it will fit exactly to the needs of our client and will close the knowledge gaps their team had.
The training was planned to be held on clients’ side, at Almaty, Kazakhstan and Peter Lyaskovsky, a senior QA manager at a1qa Complex Web QA department was the one who conducted the QA training for our new client.
The duration of QA training, held by Mr. Lyaskovsky lasted for two weeks, while the client’s training group consisted of 15 internal specialists.
In the course of trainings Peter told about OS testing, touching upon basics and client`s industry specifics. The training session comprised theoretical and practical lectures. Students got opportunity to practice the acquired knowledge upon the real company programs, which gives them a chance to improve the corporate system.
This QA training sat the first milestone in a long-term partnership between a1qatm and Kazakhstan Financial Company. a1qa is looking forward to next sessions as well as to support Kazakhstan Financial Company in their daily operations.
We would like to pay our gratitude and say Thank you to Kazakhstan Financial Company for the warm welcome and good operating conditions.