5th a1qa virtual roundtable: Discover how to get the most out of software development and QA outsourcing
On September 29th, 4 PM UTC+1, a1qa’s team runs the 5th inner roundtable. The topic of the discussion is “How to get the most of software development and testing outsourcing.” Ready to talk and share your thoughts?
The agenda of the conversation covers 3 key questions:
1. Нow to pick the right outsourcing partner?
Discussing how to make the right decision when choosing an outsourcing partner (OP) and whether it’s necessary to split services between several OPs or find an all-in-one OP. We’ll be also touching upon the requirements and criteria to select the most suitable OP for your business.
2. How to work with an outsourcing partner?
If you’ve already chosen an OP, then it’s time to talk about the team: will you delegate the process of onboarding QA specialists to the OP, or will you control it yourself? During the roundtable, we’ll also speak about whether OPs should adjust to the company’s existing workflows.
3. How to make sure that work is done well?
Should the working process with OP’s be transparent? How to manage the OP performance, and what KPIs can help to track progress? And the legal part – when designing a contract, does it really help get the expected results?

Feel free to register for the upcoming online conversation!