+30% to call center efficiency for a leading mobile operator
a1qa verified Top-Notch Quality of СRM that brought +30% to Call Center Efficiency for a leading European mobile operator.
13 March 2011
a1qa verified Top-Notch Quality of СRM that brought +30% to Call Center Efficiency for a leading European mobile operator. a1qa’s Telecom Center of Competence demonstrated excellent performance at another project for one of the Top 3 Europe’s largest mobile operators. a1qa team, invited as an expert standalone testing team, provided comprehensive testing services on a MS Dynamics CRM implementation project.
With better GUI, higher load resistance, transparent workflows, and better performance the new CRM delivered a 30% increase in the efficiency of nation-wide Call Center.
a1qa is proud to be part of the multinational project team, and congratulates our client on the remarkable project success.