Receive actionable insights into test automation: join a1qa’s roundtable!
The 4th a1qa roundtable to come — on the 28th of July at 4 UTC+1. This time, we delve into the topic “How to get the most out of test automation?” and we’ll certainly make the most of it.
To stay ahead of competitors, companies across any industry strive to ensure quality at speed. So, what is essential here? High software quality, boosted release cadences. And, of course, test automation is what helps to attain it.
Who is there from the a1qa’s side? Kate Bazyleva, Head of pre-sales, and Valena Volkova, Business events lead, are hosting the event. Alex Tihonovich, Principal QA solution advisor at a1qa, is joining the event to share his knowledge on test automation. Alex has previously worked as a QA automation engineer, QA manager, QA automation solution architect, and project coordinator, as well as was a member of a1qa’s in-house R&D for test automation. Deep expertise in implementing, controlling, distributing, and organizing test automation processes — don’t miss the opportunity to talk.

Follow the link to sign up for the July online roundtable on test automation!