The article was first published on a1qa’s LinkedIn. To read more about trends, QA news, and tech, follow our LinkedIn page.

Today, the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds are fading at the flip of a switch. People already use AI-generated avatars when communicating via social networks, follow the latest fashion trends in the virtual runways, receive medical assistance through digital twins, and enjoy virtual concerts.

We owe these magnificent experiences to the metaverse. It’s a new, decentralized place that connects people across the globe, provides impressive brand engagement opportunities, generates novel workplaces, and simplifies our lives. It’s not surprising that by 2030, the metaverse market size will boom reaching $678.8 billion!

However, while unleashing countless capacities, this new computing era is still rather complicated. Before running with the bulls, it’s a good idea to better understand what Web 3.0 is and what benefits it offers for businesses. With this knowledge, companies can make smart decisions for introducing Web 3.0 software and confirm its highest quality.

Therefore, in this part of this article, we’ll discuss the essence of Web 3.0, and in the second – how QA helps deliver exceptional customer experiences. Let’s go to it!

Introduction to the new computing era

Within only 3 decades, the Internet has made an impactful journey from sending texts to visiting holiday destinations and sightseeing in virtual reality. Obtaining a bird’s-eye view of the concept of Web 3.0 is easier by checking out the evolution of the Internet:

  • With Web 1.0, people witnessed the advent of the first browser and static HTML pages with little interaction and data gathered from a static file system.
  • During the Web 2.0 phase, interactivity came to the forefront. Due to the emergence of multiple social networks and blogs, people turned from content consumers to creators disseminating information around the world.
  • Web 3.0 – a fully decentralized ecosystem for open collaboration and accessing data, apps, and multimedia – provides stunning, personalized experiences for engagement between humans and machines via AI, ML, and other latest technologies.

With more opportunities for personalization, front-runners such as Bentley, Mastercard, Disney, Shopify, Wendy’s have already taken leading positions in applying this trend. For instance, Zara has showcased its first collection for both people and avatars, while Thomas Cook launched a special initiative for tourists allowing them to choose trips using virtual reality.

Top 7 advantages of Web 3.0

Being a significant step forward in the advancement of the Internet, Web 3.0 is all about the following:

On the way to Web 3.0

1. Decentralization

With a focus on blockchain technology and the absence of a single control unit, decentralization allows peer-to-peer interaction and data storing. It also provides opportunities for secure transactions and logging in without being tracked.

2. Legal

Smart contracts are self-executing agreements. Therefore, buying or selling assets has become much easier and faster, as there’s no need for diverse intermediaries, such as banks. Smart contracts facilitate checking, control, and the execution of an agreement between a buyer and a seller. They are highly secure due to encryption and apply computer protocols to automate tasks, which increases the speed of business operations.

3. Artificial intelligence

AI enables faster-than-ever real-time processing and analysis of large data amounts, which can considerably improve capabilities related to decision-making, image recognition, or determining fake information. It can also contribute to improving online user experiences due to a more accurate search, analysis of consumer behavior, and personalization.

4. Advanced connectivity

With Web 3.0, people from any part of the world and anytime can seamlessly stay in touch with one another due to the round-the-clock availability of the digital ecosystem. As the Internet has become an indispensable part of our daily activities, users can remain connected from a car or any wearable device.

5. Semantic upgrade

To improve user experience, the new semantic web focuses on enhancing the capabilities of search and analysis due to a better understanding of the meaning of words and overall context rather than using keywords or numbers.

6. Better engagement

The evolution of AR/VR technology contributed to the metaverse boom shaping new ways of interaction and superior user engagement. Regardless of the location, age, appearance, or income, people can seamlessly create ideal avatars and come together to network, practice sports, play games, learn new things, travel, shop, receive medical treatment, do business, work, and much, much more.

7. Uninterrupted service

Suspension of accounts won’t be a problem anymore due to the fact that all the information is stored in diverse remote nodes, with multiple backups. This prevents the failure of servers or attacks of malicious intruders.

Web 3.0 for business: is the game worth the candle?

Although it’s still under development, Web 3.0 can become a game-changer for businesses across the globe. By providing impeccable digital experiences, companies can turn their end users into brand ambassadors who will promote their companies in ways no one has ever done before regardless of any geographical barriers. This word-of-mouth approach will contribute to increased brand awareness and improved sales.

In addition, organizations can capture valuable client feedback in the metaverse that demonstrates their emotional responses and the level of engagement in the moment, so that companies can access their genuine attitude and quickly fix any problems.

Considering the above-mentioned benefits, Web 3.0 software can enhance operational efficiency and help businesses win new customers. Of course, provided that the IT solutions work as intended and contain no critical or major flaws.

Soon we’ll deliver the second part of the article dedicated to ensuring the quality of Web 3.0 software. Stay tuned!

Reach out to our experts to talk about your QA related issues.

With the advent of advanced tech, healthcare institutions have leaped forward in embracing a digital mindset to transform and enhance relationships with patients. By applying innovations such as AI, VR, 3D printing, gene editing, and many others, medical establishments revolutionize their approaches to care delivery and prolong our life expectancy.

However, when applying this state-of-the-art software, healthcare employees use personal patients’ data more than ever before relying on health conditions and previous disease records. This is why while developing digital clinical assistants, we suggest making sure they comply with standards and don’t cause any harm.

Among the most pervasive regulations in healthcare, HIPAA stands out ― The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Aiming to defend sensitive patients’ data, every eHealth solutions developer tends to follow these inviolable safety obligations.

In the article, we bring to notice the HIPAA benchmarks and shed light on the strictly required data security aspects that aim to provide patients with greater control over their personal data and ensure its full protection. Furthermore, we appraise how QA and software testing services can help comply with the established norms.

Standards: regard or disregard…

Due to being among life-threatening industries, healthcare doesn’t excuse any errors. Even a minor one can trigger critical consequences for human well-being. Let’s say an unintentional misprint in prescriptions may cause inappropriate treatment or no treatment at all. Inaccurate medical equipment setup can implicitly affect the health state. If not mentioning negative scenarios that may occur when compromising on software quality and not adhering to requirements.

As it’s a mandatory step of verifying eHealth solutions’ functionality before going live, the HIPAA community sets penalties for violations of the regulations. In 2022, alongside a substantial increase in fines, reaching $60,973 only for a minor violation, the number of breach cases has also grown.

Moreover, businesses with 500 and more individuals impacted by leaks get to the Breach Notification Portal, known as the “Wall of Shame,” severely tarnishing the company’s reputation and reducing patients’ loyalty.

Shifting to digital document storage and management, information protection is gaining a greater priority. Businesses should implement safety measures, as private data might turn to the object of cyber attacks and inappropriate data usage. HIPAA Journal indicates the number of malicious actions is only soaring within years. In total, around 50 million Americans were affected by health data leakage in 2022.

Source: HIPAA Journal 2023

Following three of HIPAA’s cornerstones

Within this eHealth law’s legal force, every organization and its partners that perform whatever activity over PHI undertake to comply with the Act’s requirements. It begs the question, what are those rules eHealth solutions should coincide with?

Despite the norms’ intentional vagueness, sensitive information keepers should take the digital, material, and managerial guarantees into work, as well as risk evaluation and ways of eliminating information breaches’ consequences.

Let’s get a more detailed grasp of each HIPAA’s basic pillar, helping provide PHI integrity and complete privacy.

1. Technical safeguards

Hacking and IT incidents are now the foremost means of data security violations. Though organizations are now much better trained to expose malicious usage, the number of cyber attacks is only increasing. By 2022, it reached 707 cases in a year.

Intended to protect PHI, digital regulations assume data encryption whether it transfers within a company, moves outwards on an organization’s internal firewall servers or is kept in storage. Hence, if the data falls into the hands of fraudsters, they won’t be able to read, decipher, and harness personal details.

While encryption is becoming a mundane phenomenon, HIPAA proposes to adhere to the following standards to defend the data:

  • Access control – providing access to electronic PHI only to authorized individuals and preventing unauthorized penetration.
  • Audit control – recording all actions related to electronic PHI, such as deleting or changing data in the electronic medical card.
  • Integrity – ensuring the consistency of stored information and eliminating its destruction by unauthorized users.
  • Person or entity authentication – verifying that the authentication process goes smoothly.
  • Transmission security – checking the encryption and safety of the electronic PHI delivery methods.

2. Physical safeguards

Moving beyond the online space, organizations should keep all kinds of devices leveraged to access PHI safety. They opt for various scenarios of storing data, and have to be well-secured to avert unsolicited information usage. On-premises, cloud, or rented servers ― it’s no matter.

So, HIPAA material protection measures include 4 enforcing regulations:

  • Facility access controls – restricting physical access to PHI.
  • Workstation use – eradicating a possible negative impact and security risks related to the workstation’s surroundings.
  • Workstation security – adopting physical protection to all workstations that possess access to PHI.
  • Device and media controls – verifying the transfer, removal, and reuse of electronic media, containing PHI.

3. Administrative safeguards

One more pivotal aspect of a HIPAA compliance checklist is risk regulations. This area is under the most thorough control, which is held continuously to ascertain the company’s holistic and sustained risk management. To meet the norms, HIPAA’s specialists recommend complying with a set of standards to evaluate the already existing safety measures and analyze possible hazards.

QA as an accelerator of suiting HIPAA’s checklist

The development and digital life of any IT solution are speeding up with years. Due to heavy competition in the market and high user expectations, companies are to release reliable software at short notice.

As for eHealth products, companies should consider their potential functioning failures with particular emphasis. Quality assurance can be a powerful way to eradicate them, ensure flawless operation, and meet all the safety requirements.

Security testing lays in the heart of getting HIPPA compliance, as its main purpose is to ensure data privacy and end-user confidence in the application. Penetration testing is the most progressive and topical approach to derive these results. Acting like real hackers, the specialists may identify the bottlenecks in advance, so they can decrease chances of cyber incidents.

Since medical software products often receive updates and new components, it’s crucial to continuously track that they do not contain any vulnerable points. As this is a time-consuming activity, businesses adopt test automation to speed up regression checks and deliver a high-quality IT product to the market on time.

However, HIPAA compliance is not the only thing that indicates that an eHealth solution operates well and satisfies customers’ needs. Noteworthy is looking at the application from various angles to ensure its comprehensive and smooth work. As there’s no one-size-fits-all QA strategy for every project, specific business demand and objectives speak volumes about an appropriate QA package.

But companies may choose full-cycle testing, a one-stop QA measure that helps determine the necessary testing types performed during all the SDLC steps. It can include functional and compatibility testing or mobile and performance testing, or others that suit the project’s goals. Thus, one might be confident in the software quality and avert any kinds of defects in the go-live stage.

Taking an example, a1qa’s team provided all-embracing QA support, including assistance in HIPAA compliance, to a developer of the wellness portal and mobile apps. In addition to getting ready for passing HIPAA certification, the QA specialists performed thorough functional and compatibility testing, as well as test automation. Thanks to this, the solution under test successfully underwent the security and privacy control and featured total data protection.

In a nutshell

Within the healthcare industry’s gravity, standards compliance has become an integral part of medical software development.

According to HIPAA regulations, any eHealth solution should comprise technical, physical, and administrative safeguards as well as continuous maintenance.

To ensure medical IT products’ release and attain high quality and complete privacy, businesses should consider software testing as an inalienable SDLC step. By applying a need-driven QA bundle, you can meet desired outcomes and enhance customer satisfaction within tight deadlines.

Need support in eHealth software testing? Reach out to us to get a consultation with our QA experts.

The agile working style is disrupting traditional approaches to delivering software quality, allowing organizations to keep up with the fast development pace, ensure business continuity, and improve operational efficiency. A specific role in this process is dedicated to quality assurance.

Through the mature culture of excellence, it’s easier for companies to ride the wave of innovation, accelerate time to market, and minimize production failure risks. But how to build this true culture of quality? How do we seamlessly embed QA practices into the Agile environment, and how can automation enhance testing capabilities?

To answer these and many other topical questions, we took an interview with Dileep Marway, an experienced QA engineer in the past and VP of Engineering and Quality at SHL ― a world-known developer of data-driven talent acquisition and talent management solutions that help businesses maximize their people’s potential by building agile, highly flexible teams.

With around 13 years of contributing to the QA field, Dileep regularly gives back to the IT community by writing content to show the value of QA for releasing sound software. This time he produced the series of articles “Agility and speed: Supercharging your business strategies with QA” for a1qa that we’ll talk about today and share with you all very soon!

Dileep, please tell our audience some words about yourself and how you got to the position you are in today.

I’ve worked in a multitude of roles, and quality assurance is where I started. Essentially, I’ve been doing digital transformations at different scales, and a lot of that has had quality at the heart of everything that we do. Making sure that customers are getting the right type of quality and what they expect has been vital.

If I look at my journey in my previous role, I accomplished digital transformation for a startup-type team in central Birmingham, UK, and most recently, I’m doing a digital transformation for an enterprise-type organization at SHL.

Thank you for introducing yourself. Why did you choose to contribute to the quality assurance field?

I started as a graduate tester, and the main reason for that was generally I was very structured in my approach. I initially studied pharmacy at university, then I moved to Computer Science. I always go back to that structured scientific approach, as it has suited the quality assurance realm well.

I was very passionate about quality when I first joined, but for me, to be more rounded as a QA engineer, I needed to understand the other areas of the software development life cycle.

In my career, I have worked in production support, in product, in delivery, and I was Head of DevSecOps. As a QA engineer, it’s good to understand the other areas very well because it’s good to collaborate and improve processes as a whole.

Quality cannot be achieved just by one person; quality has to be reached by a team.

We know that you give back to the IT community and write content to raise the awareness of QA value for the business. Could you, please, briefly introduce the series of blog posts for a1qa that you’re working on right now?

Sure. Luckily a1qa gave me this opportunity, and it’s very kind of them. I enjoy blogging, writing, and helping others. I’d like people to help each other because that’s how we all level up ― and everyone can get to their destination.

The first blog that I did was on Agile QA. And this is a very important subject because everybody wants to go fast. But essentially, it’s key that we go at a speed and follow users’ expectations. As an example, if a client wants a car and they want it to be red, they expect the car to be red at the end of the week, not for it to be blue. In this article, I’ll share tips and good ways of working that a QA member can contribute to being Agile and contribute to the output in a team.

The second article was about the culture of happiness. Why is this important? It’s key in any type of digital transformation, whether it’s quality, engineering, or DevSecOps, culture should be at the heart of everything that you do. I always say: “If you are in a happy team, you have a good output of work.” And if somebody wants to go to work, they are happy and will be doing a good job.

And then the last blog is on automation. This is essentially talking about automation, what is the value, why people automate, and also what aspects you need to do before you jump into automation.

What I’ve seen in my experience is that everybody wanted to automate but wasn’t quite ready. There are certain things that they need to do before starting to automate because otherwise, once you do, it’s a bit like if you buy a house that has leaky plumbing. And you are just trying to fix the pipes all the time, whereas you should be checking them before you buy the house in the first place. So, that’s a nice analogy that I like to use. And in the article, I’ll be covering that.

Good examples. Thank you! In your opinion, why should companies go for independent software testing instead of in-house?

My experience is that firstly, it depends on the type of journey the team is on. Initially, it’s good to know where you are in the transformation. Are they experienced or not in their QA practices? Is there a collaboration between engineering quality and product?

For me, where you’ve got a team, which is performing poorly, it’s great to bring in experts, learn from them, and say: “Look, I’m monitoring this team, but I’ve got bias because I’ve been looking after them for so long.”

That’s where I found great value in getting independent services. The experts can come in and independently review your company, provide an unbiased view, and make recommendations on what they would do because they know best practices and worked with other companies, maybe in a similar area.

In addition to telling you what is right, they can also say, “We can give you expertise in this area, which can fill that gap.” Whereas recruiting yourselves in-house, you have to go through a transition of training. Even before recruiting, find the right candidates, and then actually go through a transition. Maybe, if the time is there, it’s good to do both in parallel.

So, work with a testing partner, hire internally, and the two work together. But generally, where deadlines are short, stakeholder wants things quickly, stakeholder wants to see the value from the project quickly.

I think it’s a good idea to get specialists’ help – that’s where a testing partner really can excel.

Absolutely. As you’ve mentioned, one of the blogs is devoted to culture. In your opinion, how should the company train its employees to build a true culture of quality nowadays?

Firstly, there’s the culture on the people’s side, and that should be set throughout the company.

If you go to the top from bottom or bottom to top, everyone should have the same vision. They should talk to people with respect, give constructive, not destructive criticism, and respect your peers.

And there should be a level of psychological safety. If you make a mistake, you can learn from this mistake. That’s the first side that is very important. From a quality perspective, engineering, QA, and those in product roles need to work as one team.

What I really like is that QA isn’t just owned by an isolated QA team. You can run your automation pack, you’ve got engineers who are following TDD and unit tests – and that gives time for QA to specialize. For instance, QA is very good at exploratory testing, and you can add this niche skill, and the team can work together.

In a good culture of QA, they would say: “As a team, we’ve dropped the ball, but to learn, we’ll do this better.” That’s what I mean when I say a culture of QA. It’s more of a collaborative team effort to get something right.

Thank you for such good points. If you speak about Agile, from your professional experience, does Agile need QA, or does QA need Agile to ensure high-quality software?

It goes both ways. To operate in a DevOps culture, you need quick feedback. But how can we get it? The answer is QA.

You need test automation, great performance, and security tests. There’s always going to be a quality need, and the team requires processes in place at speed so that they can move in an Agile way.

For me, when people say that to go fast, they don’t need QA, I’d say, “QA is as important as having engineering in Agile. You need all your key team members there to succeed.”

If you turn to digital transformations, can they be successful without an Agile approach today?

For me it depends on the organization type and its maturity.

For instance, I worked on major projects where you need such a structured approach that operating in an Agile way is quite hard to do if you haven’t got the skills, the team, the right architecture, and processes.

What I found recently is if the architecture has been created from scratch or the engineering has been built from the ground up, then you can go with Agile in mind. But when you have legacy systems, sometimes you have to take a more pragmatic view.

And your advice on how to embed QA in Agile to ensure confident and secure digital transformation?

I’d say you do want QA to be introduced as early as possible. What I find very important is how QA gets involved in Agile ceremonies, so is QA asking the right questions? Asking the “how,” asking the “what.”

What would I do if I was in a session? I’d ask what the impact analysis is. I sit with the engineer and say, “Can you show me, which other areas of the application are impacted by this change, how are you making the change at a code level?” At the same time, I’d start to run my test cases, and I’d think outside the box.

As an example, if I’ve got a username and password, would I just put the right username and password in? No, I’d put characters in the username, I’d put emojis in it, I’d probably put some SQL code injection in it. So, for me, it’s the initial mindset and the investment that you put at the start of the software development life cycle.

When you get to the part where you’re running, you can meet the Agile processes because you’ve thought further ahead of the game. Initially, it’s difficult because it’s still slow but once you start understanding what to test, and what’s a high priority, then you can start to use automation.

Automate the high-priority test cases that matter to a user first. And then run these test cases in an automated manner regularly. The more you run, the better, because you get fast feedback. You find out how flaky your tests are, and whether there are any false negatives in the tests. The same is with the code, the more regularly you run it, the better because you know that something is broken.

So, if you’re a part of a DevOps culture to your engineering and your QA processes, essentially, the team will start to move in an Agile manner.

What should companies consider before introducing test automation, and why does this accurate planning matter?

The mistakes I’ve seen in the past have been automation for the sake of automation.

  • But why do you want to automate?
  • What are you going to automate?
  • What business value will this give to your customers?

First, assess what you are automating. In general, if you don’t have your test cases listed or you don’t know what they are and what your first priority test cases are, you’ll probably automate a piece of rubbish. And then you’ll just be maintaining that forever with no value. Once you know what you need to automate, collaborate with the product team.

They can help you and say: “I don’t think that’s important, why haven’t you thought about this?” Or “You put it as a priority three, and it’s actually a priority one.” So, collaboration is the key.

Now, when it comes to implementing automation, the framework and the programming language, for example, should be in your sweet spot. If there’s a unison of the language, then everyone in the team can contribute.

Multiple people engaged is crucial, because your automation pack should be seen as a product in its own way. If an engineer created it, it can still be of the same type as a QA engineer or automation engineer.

Once the programming language and framework are set up, there would be a roadmap to say, “I’m not going to implement this.” Then it’s important to run automation as frequently as possible to give you data to ascertain whether you’ve automated the right things, whether they’re giving you the right results, whether the tests are flaky, and whether they are finding any problems. It’s the initial transition.

What I normally find is people jump into that last step which is to write code. But people need to walk before they can run, which is what I would recommend.

As we know, test automation cannot fully replace manual testing. From your point of view, is it possible to determine the percentage of QA activities that should be automated?

I think it’s hard to put a percentage on it, mainly because it depends on the priority. If people are doing so, they would start to automate concepts that don’t add any value.

As an example, if we automate something and it takes 2 seconds to do it manually, why not test it manually as it takes far longer to automate it, and it will take longer to get the value back?

Or if we’ve got very complex functionality where a piece of code has dependencies in 20 other areas – if we automated it, what confidence would we have that it actually tests everything? That’s where the value of manual testing comes in. And the value of somebody doing this priority testing will come in.

I don’t really like to put a value on it. For me, it’s more for what you’ve automated, why have you automated that percentage, and why you’re not doing the other 40%. If somebody can answer those questions, I believe that’s the better way of answering it rather than just a value.

Dileep thank you very much for this interview!

2020 gave an unambiguous answer to the question: “Is it worth developing the technological aspect of the business”? A global situation has created a new professional and economic environment that dictates how to maintain competitiveness in the market.

With digital transformation on the rise, IT budgets allocation has changed. According to SWZD’s research, 80% of European and North American companies expect to increase their IT budget in the next 12 months or have the same level as of this year. It is happening against the background of a total decrease in funding due to global economic stagnation caused by the “black swan.”

Full cycle
Source: SWZD’s research

Changes like these are transforming technology from an element of cost efficiency to a central component of a business. But how to ensure the successful implementation of complicated IT solutions amid rising cybercrime activities?

Full-cycle testing may become the way out. In this article, we are detailing the essence, prerequisites for adoption, and business benefits it can bring.

When to start testing?

Oops… Have you noticed that users are spending too little time on your site, in your app, and more? The reasons can vary, from prolonged page loads to UX defects, but it’s not the best perspective for your software product, right?

To guarantee a more successful scenario, we recommend considering full-cycle testing (FCT) to ensure the quality of software solutions at every stage of development starting from the requirements formation to release.

When to choose full-cycle testing

We suggest that you consider 3 cases when business may profit from its introduction.

Low software quality

A software product with an abundance of defects can provide more opportunities for cybercriminals to take an advantage of vulnerabilities, create a negative user experience, and may even lead to product recalls or shrinking revenues.

Today with so many apps at users’ disposal, a highly competitive market requires both reduced time to benefits and unhindered solution operation. Keep that in mind.

Poorly configured QA processes

An all-embracing and properly tuned testing ecosystem can help spot issues at the outset of development, enable brisk problem-solving, and guarantee a continuous improvement process.

For instance, smart team scalability allows quick onboarding of talents possessing the relevant skill set and avoiding any interruptions in the development process. While A-to-Z reporting enables project transparency so that you’ll manage to trace progress in real time. If currently you are following a different path, probably, it’s time to change something.

Preparing for a major release

Before entering the market, you may require a whole set of checks: performance, security, accessibility testing, and whatever depending on your product specifics and target audience.

With that in mind, a fair question arises. What would you choose: contact a single vendor offering a turnkey QA solution or spending time and money trying to order services from multiple providers?

A case in point describes the cooperation with a large US-based e-commerce solution owner. A customer decided to migrate from the Magento Community Edition to Enterprise Edition and ensure high solution quality throughout and after the transformation process.

To attain this objective, a dedicated QA team prepared a plan for the full testing cycle, which included functional, performance, compatibility, UI, and mobile application testing. As a result, critical software issues that could negatively impact solution operation were eliminated, and the client entered the market on time with a reliable software product.

Full-cycle testing benefits within the development process

We propose you to have a closer look at the advantages you can receive after giving preference to thorough QA support during multiple SDLC stages.

Planning and requirements preparation

Functional requirements with no inconsistencies or issues in business logic can eliminate the chance of post hoc expensive defect fixing or protracted development time.

Design and prototyping

During this stage, testing affirms the compliance of the developed prototype with the requirements and allows verifying proper operation of the basic functionality. Meanwhile, usability testing helps benchmark weak spots in an app’s features to improve them further.


The engineers at this point are involved in diverse QA activities aimed at enhancing quality level, from functional testing to test automation. However, bear in mind that particular testing types like security or performance are carried out only after fixing critical issues, as they may block further scope.


Prior to software delivery, acceptance testing helps guarantee a system’s compliance with the stated business requirements and significantly scale down the risk of defects spot in a production environment.

Stages in the development process may vary depending on the chosen methodology and product specifics. Nevertheless, accurate testing contributes to curtailing time to market, enabling high-quality solution operation, and increasing customer satisfaction level.

Summing up

A shift in the global context has compelled businesses to switch to the online and simultaneously accelerate product delivery. To perform digital transformations with confidence and improve software quality, one may leverage full-cycle testing.

Implemented early in the SDLC, it enables software proficiency, ensures process transparency, and allows introducing turnkey QA solutions for reaching mission-critical objectives.

Looking for advice on launching full-cycle testing? Contact a1qa’s experts to learn the nuances of the process.

More and more often companies tend to opt for testing the user experience of their software – be it a mobile app or a desktop solution. UX is crucial, no questions asked.

However, the most interesting part of it is the following: in many cases, what organizations think to be the object of UX testing, is not about this at all. How come? Let’s find it out.

What is UX testing?

UX, or user experience, testing is the process of checking various aspects of the software product to determine the areas of weaknesses during its interaction with the customers and to improve them. Navigation, checkout process, UI elements are among the issues that should be in focus of UX engineers.

This testing type has become very popular nowadays, and many business owners believe it to be a goldmine that will help boost sales, drive more traffic, improve brand loyalty, or achieve any other business need their software is expected to achieve.

Why isn’t UX testing a panacea for all ills?

UX testing is a good thing to do. However, there’s something we’d like you to think over. If your website receives 50 visits per month, or consumers delete your app seconds after they’ve installed it, you’re probably not ready for user experience testing yet.

Focus on what is more relevant for you now and shift your attention to conducting testing types that your software product needs more.

4 testing types to carry out instead of UX testing

  • Performance testing

Are you sure your app is perfect in terms of speed and stability? How long does it take to load the data and how many concurrent users can it handle?

To find the answers to these questions, apply to performance testing engineers who will detect the performance issues that can lead to poor usability and will advise on possible improvements.

  • Localization testing

Is your software product available in multiple languages and regions? That’s great! Many global brands have now understood that the only way to go worldwide is to introduce their businesses to locals in their native language.

To make sure that the language and other components – data formats, currency used, color schemes, icons, symbols, and many more – are truly local, opt for localization testing. It will help you ascertain that your software will be correctly perceived by a user from any region.

  • Compatibility testing

Today, compatibility testing is crucial owing to the diversity of platforms and hardware in the market. If you’re not 100 percent sure what operating systems and devices your users prefer, you should ascertain your software is working fine across the variety of them.

While performing compatibility testing, QA engineers can detect issues with the UI, differences in font size and text alignment, problems with a scroll bar, broken tables or frames. Any of them can damage user experience and make the consumers abandon your software choosing the competitors’ one instead.

  • Full-cycle testing

To decide on the testing type you may need is not that easy, as it seems. Full-cycle testing is a solution that will likely fit any app.

It starts with the software requirements elicitation. In this stage, the testing team focuses on the business, architectural, and system requirements to figure out if they are testable.

Then go test planning and preparation of test documentation stages. Tests are executed on a regular basis. QA engineers check the quality of the newly developed functionality and run regression tests to make sure new features haven’t broken the already existing ones.

Investing in testing at the very start of the product SDLC (or even earlier) will bring you the biggest value. The professional QA team can help you deliver the software product that will be functioning properly with no critical glitches leaking to production.

But still. What about UX testing?

After you’ve tested your software and made sure it functions smoothly, runs on all the devices of your interest, loads fast, and speaks your users’ language, you’re ready to run it through a series of UX tests.

This strategy of how to accurately choose the testing type will help you deliver a world-class product.

Once properly tested, the software can help improve customer experience, and word to mouth will make the product advertise itself achieving a competitive advantage in the picky market.

Contact our QA specialists and get a free consultation on how to enhance the quality of your software.

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